TABLE  MolFeature

Table to hold all the molecular data used in the analysis of spectra.

A simple table to hold all the molecular data used in the astrophysical
analysis of spectra.

(1) It is assumed that there will be a single set of molecular data which
is used by all the AAMs. If this is not the case there will need to
a stack of molecular feature tables, one per set of data.
(2) The molecular feature parameters listed here are invented and need to
be replaced by the actual parameters used by GES.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (featureID)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
featureIDbigint8 Molecular feature identifier: unique identifier for each feature-99999999 
featureNamevarchar15 Name of the molecular feature'NONE' 
elementvarchar15 Chemical symbol of the molecule'NONE' 
ionisationStatevarchar10 Ionisation state giving rise to the molecular feature  
waveVacuumreal4AngstromCharacteristic vacuum wavelength-9.999995e+08 
waveAirreal4AngstromCharacteristic air wavelength-9.999995e+08 
param1real4 First characteristic parameter-9.999995e+08 
param2real4 Second characteristic parameter-9.999995e+08 
Total length64