TABLE  Survey

Basic details of the GES survey.

This table contains a single row giving basic details of the GES survey.
There is a corresponding Survey table for each (every?) survey curated
by WFAU. The Survey table drives the release of new survey products.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (surveyID)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
surveyIDint4 The unique identifier for the curated survey
namevarchar128 A short name for the survey'NONE'??
descriptionvarchar512 A concise description of the survey'NONE'??
dbNamePrefixvarchar32 A string that prefixes all database names released for this survey'NONE'??
equinoxreal4yearsEquinox of the celestial coordinates tabulated in the survey (typically 'J2000')-9.999995e+08 
proprietarytinyint1 Logical flag indicating whether a survey is proprietary or not (1=yes; 0=no) ??
Total length681