TABLE  CatalogueLedger

Ledger of all the external catalogues paired with the GES target catalogue.

This table lists all the external catalogues that have been paired with
the GES target catalogue.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (catalogueID)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
catalogueIDbigint8 Unique identifier for each external catalogue-99999999 
catalogueNamevarchar10 Short name of the catalogue'NONE' 
catalogueTableNamevarchar40 Table name of the catalogue in the GES schema'NONE' 
ddlFileNamevarchar40 Name of the DDL file for the catalogue'NONE' 
descriptionvarchar40 Brief description of the catalogue'NONE' 
equinoxreal4yearsEquinox of the celestial coordinates tabulated in the catalogue (typically 'J2000')-9.999995e+08 
epochreal4yearsEpoch of the celestial coordinates tabulated in the catalogue-9.999995e+08 
releaseDatedatetime8MM-DD-YYYYDate the catalogue was ingested into the GES survey'9999-12-31 23:59:59' 
referencevarchar40 Bibliographic reference to a publication decribing the catalogue'NONE' 
urlvarchar80 URL for a Web page describing the catalogue'NONE' 
deprecated link to glossarytinyint1 Deprecated flag: coded as current=0 or deprecated !=00meta.code
replacementbigint8 If deprecated, catalogueID of the suggested replacement catalogue (-1, ie. non-existent catalogueID, if none)-99999999 
Total length283