TABLE  Release

Details of each release of the GES survey.

This table lists all the releases of the GES survey. (There is a
corresponding Release table for each (every?) survey curated by WFAU.)

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (surveyID, releaseNum)
  • (surveyID) references Survey(surveyID)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
surveyIDint4 The unique identifier for the survey
releaseNumsmallint2 The release number
releaseDatedatetime8MM-DD-YYYYThe release date time.epoch
descriptionvarchar256 A brief description of the release meta.note
dbNamevarchar128 The name of the SQL Server database containing this release ??
deprecated link to glossarytinyint1 Deprecated flag: coded as current=0 or deprecated !=00meta.code
Total length399