TABLE  SoftwareVersion

The SoftwareVersion table holds version information for software items used in the data processing.

The SoftwareVersion table lists all the versions of all the software items
used in the GES data processing. A software item may be either an entire
'package' or a single program or application. The distinguishing
characteristic of a software item is that it should be an identifiable

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (softwareID)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
softwareIDbigint8 Software (version) identifier: unique identifier for each version of each software item-99999999 
softwareNamevarchar20 Name of the software item'NONE' 
softwareVersionvarchar10 Version of the software item'NONE' 
descriptionvarchar80 Brief description of the software item'NONE' 
institutionvarchar20 Institution responsible for supporting the software item'NONE' 
referencevarchar40 Bibliographic reference to a publication decribing the item'NONE' 
urlvarchar80 URL for a Web page describing the item'NONE' 
startDatedatetime8MM-DD-YYYYDate when the item entered routine service'31-Dec-9999' 
stopDatedatetime8MM-DD-YYYYDate when the item was retired from routine service'31-Dec-9999' 
deprecated link to glossarytinyint1 Deprecated flag: coded as current=0 or deprecated !=00meta.code
Total length275