TABLE  SurveyProgrammes

List of programmes within the GES survey.

The GES survey comprises a number of constituent programmes. This table
lists these programmes.

(1) This table is modelled on the corresponding table for other WFAU
surveys. In the case of GES the surveyID column will always have a
single value, corresponding to the GES survey.

(2) Column delPropData may not be needed for GES.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (surveyID, programmeID)
  • (programmeID) references Programme(programmeID)
  • (surveyID) references Survey(surveyID)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
surveyIDint4 The unique identifier for the curated survey (GES)
programmeIDint4 The unique identifier for each programme {image primary HDU keyword: PROJECT}
delPropDatatinyint1 Logical flag indicating that proprietary data should be removed on release (1=yes; 0=no) ??
Total length9