TABLE  TwoDFrame

Details of individual twoDFrames.

The TwoDFrame table lists details of all the two-D frames (so-called
'twoDFrames') present in the survey. The collection of two-D frames
comprises all the 'spectroscopic images' of whatever type, ie. including
flats, biases etc. as well as target objects.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (twoDFrameID)
  • (roleID) references RoleGes(roleID)n
  • (softwareID) references SoftwareVersion(softwareID)n

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
twoDFrameIDbigint8 Unique twoDFrameID for the frame-99999999 
roleIDbigint8 roleID (role identifier) corresponding to the primary role envisaged for the twoDFrame-99999999 
softwareIDbigint8 softwareID of the (versioned) software item which created the twoDFrame-99999999 
fileNamevarchar256 The GES Science Archive filename at WFAU for the twoDFrame, eg. /path/filename.fits'NONE';meta.file
nAxistinyint1 Number of data axes {image primary HDU keyword: NAXIS}  
nAxis1int4 Length of data axis 1 {image primary HDU keyword: NAXIS1}  
nAxis2int4 Length of data axis 2 {image primary HDU keyword: NAXIS2}  
originalFileNamevarchar32 Original File Name from observatory {image primary HDU keyword: ORIGFILE}'NONE' 
archiveFileNamevarchar64 Archive File Name (ESO-SAF or CASU repository?) {image primary HDU keyword: ARCFILE}'NONE' 
utDatedatetime8MM-DD-YYYYUT date when this file was written {image primary HDU keyword: DATE}'9999-12-31 23:59:59' 
originvarchar64 European Southern Observatory {image primary HDU keyword: ORIGIN}'NONE' 
telescopevarchar16 Telescope Name {image primary HDU keyword: TELESCOP}'NONE' 
instrumentvarchar8 Instrument used. {image primary HDU keyword: INSTRUME}'NONE' 
objectvarchar64 Original target. {image primary HDU keyword: OBJECT}'NONE' 
raBasereal4degreeRight Ascension (J2000) pointing (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: RA}-9.999995e+08 
decBasereal4degreeDeclination (J2000) pointing (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: DEC}-9.999995e+08 
equinoxreal4yearStandard FK5 {image primary HDU keyword: EQUINOX}-9.999995e+08 
raDecSysvarchar4 Coordinate reference frame {image primary HDU keyword: RADECSYS}'NONE' 
expTimereal4secondTotal integration time {image primary HDU keyword: EXPTIME}-9.999995e+08 
mjdObsreal4 MJD start {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-OBS}-9.999995e+08 
dateObsdatetime8MM-DD-YYYYDate of observation {image primary HDU keyword: DATE-OBS}'9999-12-31 23:59:59' 
utcreal4secondUTC at start {image primary HDU keyword: UTC}-9.999995e+08 
lstreal4secondLST at start {image primary HDU keyword: LST}-9.999995e+08 
piCoivarchar64 PI-COI name {image primary HDU keyword: PI-COI}'NONE' 
observervarchar64 Name of observer. {image primary HDU keyword: OBSERVER}'NONE' 
previewvvarchar64 Version of preview {image primary HDU keyword: PREVIEWV}'NONE' 
softAuthvarchar32 Contact for bug reports {image primary HDU keyword: SOFTAUTH}'NONE' 
softDatevarchar32MM-DD-YYYYCIRDR release date {image primary HDU keyword: SOFTDATE}'NONE' 
softInstvarchar32 CASU URL {image primary HDU keyword: SOFTINST}'NONE' 
softVersvarchar32 CIRDR Version {image primary HDU keyword: SOFTVERS}'NONE' 
wfrtypevarchar4  {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE}'NONE' 
deprecated link to glossaryint4 Deprecated flag: coded as current=0 or deprecated !=0 meta.code
cuEventIDint4 UID of curation event giving rise to this record meta.bib
Total length917