TABLE  SpectrumGroup

Defines the group of spectra that make up an analysis in AstroAnalysis.

Links the group of spectra that make up an analysis in AstroAnalysis to
the individual spectrum entries in the Spectrum table.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (specGroupID, specID, fileName)
  • (specID) references Spectrum(specID)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
specGroupIDbigint8 Spectrum group identifier: unique identifier for each group of spectra that went into an analysis.-99999999 
specIDbigint8 Spectrum identifier: unique identifier for the individual spectrum that contributed to the analysis.-99999999 
fileNamevarchar256 File name of the spectrum with full path within the GES Science Archive eg. /path/filename.fits'NONE';meta.file
Total length272