TABLE  SpectrumNightly

Details of individual nightly spectra.

The Spectrum table lists details of individual nightly spectra observed
during the survey. Note that a given target star may (and often will) be
observed more than once during the survey, so a given targetID may have
several entries in this table.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (specNightlyID)
  • (specID) references Spectrum(specID)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
specNightlyIDbigint8 Nightly Spectrum identifier: unique identifier for each nightly spectrum-99999999 
specIDbigint8 Spectrum identifier: unique identifier for each spectrum (4 MSB are the specFrameID; 4 LSB are the nSpec)-99999999 
fileNamevarchar256 The GES Science Archive filename at WFAU for the nightly spectrum, eg. /path/filename.fits'NONE';meta.file
nSpecsmallint2 The number of the spectrum {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.Nspec,INPUTINFO.NSPEC}-9999 
nSpecOldsmallint2 The number of the spectrum before unused fibres were culled (equivalent to the number of the fibr,e counting from left to right on the original raw image.) {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.Nspec_old,INPUTINFO.NSPEC_OLD}-9999 
rmsTracereal4pixelsThe RMS of the fit to the curvature of the spectrum on the detector {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.RMS_trace}-9.999995e+08 
rmsArcreal4AngstromThe RMS in Angstroms of the wavelength solution {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.RMS_arc,INPUTINFO.RMS_ARC}-9.999995e+08 
rvRedshiftreal4km/secThe radial velocity measured from the cross correlation, computed using a template from the Munari grid. Use the velocity in column VEL should in preference to this one. {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.RV_redshift}-9.999995e+08 
helioCorreal4km/secThe heliocentric correction {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.Helio_cor,INPUTINFO.HELIOCOR}-9.999995e+08 
simcalCorreal4AngstromThe correction to be applied to correct for wavelength drift calculated from simcal observations {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.Simcal_cor}-9.999995e+08 
simcalRmsreal4AngstromThe RMS of simcalCor {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.Simcal_rms}-9.999995e+08 
skylineCorreal4AngstromThe correction to be applied to correct for wavelength drift calculated from the sky lines in the observations {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.Skyline_cor}-9.999995e+08 
skylineRmsreal4AngstromThe RMS of skylineCor {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.Skyline_rms}-9.999995e+08 
vacuumCorreal4km/secThe correction to be applied to the measured redshift if the spectral features in the template are defined in vacuum rather than in air at STP {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.Vacuum_cor}-9.999995e+08 
skyScalereal4 The scaling factor applied to the mean sky before subtracting from the current spectrum {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.sky_scale}-9.999995e+08 
velfloat8km/secThe measured radial velocity from the cross correlation (using the Munari grid) {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.VEL}-9.999995e+08 
velErrfloat8km/secThe error on vel {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.EVEL}-9.999995e+08 
snrMeanfloat8 The mean signal-to-noise ratio in the spectrum {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.S_N}-9.999995e+08 
snrMedianfloat8 The median signal-to noise ratio of the spectrum {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.S_N}-9.999995e+08 
chi2doffloat8 Chi-squared of the template fit {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.CHI2_DOF}-9.999995e+08 
chi2contfloat8 Chi-squared of the continuum-only fit {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.CHI2_CONT}-9.999995e+08 
templDistfloat8 A weighted L2 distance to the best fitting template {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.TEMPL_DISTANCE}-9.999995e+08 
loggfloat8 The value of log(g) of the best fitting template {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.LOGG}-9.999995e+08 
logTefffloat8KThe value of log(Teff) of the best fitting template {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.LOGTEFF}-9.999995e+08 
FeHfloat8 The value of [Fe/H] of the best fitting template {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.FEH}-9.999995e+08 
vRotfloat8km/secThe best fit rotational velocity {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.VROT,INPUTINFO.VROT}-9.999995e+08 
vRotErrfloat8km/secError on vRot {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.EVROT,INPUTINFO.VROT_ERR}-9.999995e+08 
rvSb1int4 Flag for multiple CCF peaks {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.RV_SB1}-99999999 
rvSb2int4 Flag for RV variability. 1 if variability detected, 0 if not. {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.RV_SB2}-99999999 
rvQFlagint4 Quality flag for Giraffe radial velocity (Vel). If rvQflg=1, error on radial velocity may be higher than quoted. {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.RV_Qflag,INPUTINFO.RV_Qflg}-99999999 
rvfloat8 The measured radial velocity from the cross correlation (GES grid used). {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.RV}-9.999995e+08 
rvErrfloat8 Error on the measured radial velocity from the cross correlation {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.RV_ERR}-9.999995e+08 
spClassvarchar5 The spectral class (STAR, SKY or LOWSN; the latter two classes do not have spectral fits done for them) {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.SPCLASS}'NONE' 
expTimereal4secondsThe exposure time of this spectrum {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.exptime,INPUTINFO.EXPTIME}-9.999995e+08 
dateObsvarchar25 The date and time of the observation {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.date_obs,INPUTINFO.DATE_OBS}'NONE' 
mjdObsfloat8 Modified Julian Date of the start of the observation {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.mjd_obs,INPUTINFO.MJD_OBS}-9.999995e+08 
mjdEndfloat8daysModified Julian Date of the end of the observation {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.mjd_end,INPUTINFO.MJD_END}-9.999995e+08 
airmassStartreal4 Air mass at start of observation {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.airmass_start,INPUTINFO.AIRMASS_START}-9.999995e+08 
airmassEndreal4 Air mass at end of observation {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.airmass_end,INPUTINFO.AIRMASS_END}-9.999995e+08 
obidsmallint2 The ID number of the OB for this observation {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.obid,INPUTINFO.OBID}-9999 
utcreal4secondsCoordinated Universal Time at the start of the observation {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.utc,INPUTINFO.UTC}-9.999995e+08 
lstreal4secondsLocal sidereal time at the start of the observation {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.lst,INPUTINFO.LST}-9.999995e+08 
seeingreal4arcsecEstimate of seeing for the observation {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.seeing,INPUTINFO.SEEING}-9.999995e+08 
moonAngreal4degreesThe angular distance between the field centre and the moon {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.moon_ang,INPUTINFO.MOON_ANG}-9.999995e+08 
archiveFileNamevarchar34 The ESO ARCFILE specification for the raw data for this observation {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.arcfile,INPUTINFO.ARCFILE}'NONE' 
inputFileNamevarchar32 The manyspec product file from which this spectrum was extracted {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.input_filename,INPUTINFO.INPUT_FILENAME}'NONE' 
ccfMaxfloat8 The peak value of the cross correlation function for the best fitting radial velocity template {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.CCFMAX}-9.999995e+08 
ccfWidthfloat8km/secWidth of the peak of the cross correlation function {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.CCFWIDTH}-9.999995e+08 
fwhmArcfloat8AngstromThe average FWHM of the arc lines {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.FWHM_ARC}-9.999995e+08 
resArcfloat8AngstromThe average resolution of the arc lines {catalogue TType keyword: INPUTINFO.RES_ARC}-9.999995e+08 
deprecated link to glossaryint4 Deprecated flag: coded as current=0 or deprecated !=00meta.code
Total length618