VIEW  NpNaAstroAnalysis

Individual node parameters and abundances

Astrophysical parameter and abundances analyses computed by individual nodes
in the various working groups (10-13) of the GES Consortium. Here the
node has computed both the astrophysical parameters and the abundances.

All abundances of element X are given in the following format:

log ε(X) = log(NX/NH) + 12.0

Upper_Combined_X allowed flag values are:
0 = neutral detection;
1 = neutral upper limit;
2 = detection for combined results (neutral & ionised element);
3 = upper limit for combined results (neutral & ionised element)

Upper_X allowed flag values are:
0 = ionised detection
1 = ionised upper limit

Allowed values for limit flags on abundances derived from equivalent
widths and photometric temperatures:
0 = detection;
1 = upper limit

  FROM AstroAnalysis
 WHERE nodeID != 1
   AND isWgParams = 0

The details of the table defined by this view are available here.