VIEW  WgRecommendedAstroAnalysis

Individual working group recommended astrophysical parameter and abundances analyses

The astrophysical parameter and abundances recommended by individual
working groups of the GES COnsortium. Values are included for working groups
10 to 14.

All abundances of element X are given in the following format:

log ε(X) = log(NX/NH) + 12.0

Upper_Combined_X allowed flag values are:
0 = neutral detection;
1 = neutral upper limit;
2 = detection for combined results (neutral & ionised element);
3 = upper limit for combined results (neutral & ionised element)

Upper_X allowed flag values are:
0 = ionised detection
1 = ionised upper limit

Allowed values for limit flags on abundances derived from equivalent
widths and photometric temperatures:
0 = detection;
1 = upper limit

  FROM AstroAnalysis
 WHERE nodeID = 1
   AND WG != 'WG15'

The details of the table defined by this view are available here.