TABLE  SpecFrameFitsKey

List of FITS keywords extracted from the headers of SpecFrames.

This table lists all the FITS keywords in all the SpecFrames ingested into
the archive. It is not anticipated that these keywords will be accessed
often, since the most useful metadata keys are present as attributes in the
SpecFrame table. If, however, information from this table is required, note
that all data are stored as FITS key character strings so use of the built-in
SQL function CAST is required to perform operations within expressions on these

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (specFrameID, extNum, name)
  • (specFrameID) references SpecFrame(specFrameID)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
specFrameIDint4 specFrameID of the specFrame from which the keyword was extracted.-99999999 
extNumsmallint2 Extension number (0 corresponds to the primary HDU)-9999 
namevarchar128 Name of the FITS keyword'NONE' 
valuevarchar128 Value of the FITS keyword (copied as a character string)'NONE' 
unitsvarchar128 Any units for the FITS keyword'NONE' 
descriptionvarchar128 Description of the FITS keyword'NONE' 
Total length518