TABLE  SpecFrame

Details of individual specFrames.

The specFrame table lists details of individual specFrames present
in the survey. A specFrame contains a set of spectra extracted from
a single twoDFrame. Thus usually there is a 1:1 relation between
specFrames and twoDFrames. However, it is possible for several
reasons (e.g. a 2d bias or other calibration frame), to have a twoDFrame for which there is no
corresponding specFrame. A specFrame, however, must necessarily have
a corresponding twoDFrame from which it has been created. The distinction between
a specFrame and its source twoDFrame is that the latter is the spectrograph image
prior to spectral extraction (so may contain curved orders with spectra spread over
more than one column, and the pixel counts will be source plus sky) while a specFrame
is the result of pipeline spectral extraction run on the twoDFrame, and will contain
individual extracted spectra (or echelle orders) in the individual lines (think IRAF
multispec format).

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (specFrameID)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
specFrameIDint4 SpecFrame identifier: unique identifier for each specFrame-99999999 
fileNamevarchar256 The GES Science Archive filename at WFAU for the specFrame, eg. /path/filename.fits'NONE';meta.file
gesFieldvarchar32 GES name of the field observed (also name of enclosing directory) {image primary HDU keyword: GES_FLD}'NONE' 
nAxistinyint1 Number of data axes {image primary HDU keyword: NAXIS}0 
nDispElemsint4 Length of data axis 1 of the specFrame in the dispersion direction i.e. the number of wavelength elements {image primary HDU keyword: NAXIS1}-99999999 
nSpectraint4 Length of data axis 2 of the specFrame in the spatial direction i.e. number of spectra/fibres {image primary HDU keyword: NAXIS2}-99999999 
utDatedatetime8MM-DD-YYYYUT date when this file was written {image primary HDU keyword: DATE}'9999-12-31 23:59:59'time.epoch
originvarchar64 European Southern Observatory {image primary HDU keyword: ORIGIN}'NONE' 
telescopevarchar16 Telescope name {image primary HDU keyword: TELESCOP}'NONE' 
instrumentvarchar8 Instrument name {image primary HDU keyword: INSTRUME}'NONE' 
gratingvarchar5nmGrating central wavelength (as string to guarantee formatting) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO INS GRAT WLEN}'NONE' 
gesTypevarchar8 GES Type {image primary HDU keyword: GES_TYPE}'NONE' 
objectvarchar64 Name of the frame (often the name of the guide star or a bright nearby object) {image primary HDU keyword: OBJECT}'NONE' 
raBasereal4hoursRight ascension of base pointing (J2000) {image primary HDU keyword: RA}-9.999995e+08 
decBasereal4degreesDeclination of base pointing (J2000) {image primary HDU keyword: DEC}-9.999995e+08 
equinoxreal4yearsStandard FK5 (years) {image primary HDU keyword: EQUINOX}-9.999995e+08 
raDecSysvarchar4 Coordinate reference frame {image primary HDU keyword: RADECSYS}'NONE' 
expTimereal4secondsTotal integration time {image primary HDU keyword: EXPTIME}-9.999995e+08 
mjdObsfloat8 Modified Julian Date of the observation start {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-OBS}-9.999995e+08time.epoch
mjdEndfloat8 Modified Julian Date of the observation end {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-END}-9.999995e+08time.epoch
dateObs link to glossarydatetime8 Observing date {image primary HDU keyword: DATE-OBS}'9999-12-31 23:59:59'time.epoch
utcreal4secondsUTC at start {image primary HDU keyword: UTC}-9.999995e+08 
lstreal4secondsLST at start {image primary HDU keyword: LST}-9.999995e+08 
piCoivarchar64 PI-COI name {image primary HDU keyword: PI-COI}'NONE' 
observervarchar64 Name of observer. {image primary HDU keyword: OBSERVER}'NONE' 
skySubtinyint1 Flag: spectra are sky subtracted? {image primary HDU keyword: SKYSUB}0 
tipRestinyint1 Flag: sky residuals fixed? {image primary HDU keyword: TIPRES}0 
originalFileNamevarchar32 Original File Name from observatory {image primary HDU keyword: ORIGFILE}'NONE' 
archiveFileNamevarchar64 Archive File Name (ESO-SAF or CASU repository?) {image primary HDU keyword: ARCFILE}'NONE' 
traceFilevarchar64 File used for fibre trace {image primary HDU keyword: TRACFILE}'NONE' 
profFilevarchar64 File used for extraction profile {image primary HDU keyword: PROFFILE}'NONE' 
waveFilevarchar64 File with wavelength solution {image primary HDU keyword: WAVEFILE}'NONE' 
flatFilevarchar64 File used for flat division {image primary HDU keyword: FLATFILE}'NONE' 
cirVersvarchar24 CIRDR Version {image primary HDU keyword: CIR_VERS}'NONE' 
softVersvarchar32 CIRDR Version {image primary HDU keyword: SOFTVERS}'NONE' 
softDatevarchar32 CIRDR release date {image primary HDU keyword: SOFTDATE}'NONE' 
softAuthvarchar32 Contact for bug reports {image primary HDU keyword: SOFTAUTH}'NONE' 
softInstvarchar32 CASU URL {image primary HDU keyword: SOFTINST}'NONE' 
cType1varchar8 Grating dispersion function {image primary HDU keyword: CTYPE1}'NONE' 
cType2varchar8 Number of spectrum {image primary HDU keyword: CTYPE2}'NONE' 
crPix1real4 Pixel zeropoint {image primary HDU keyword: CRPIX1}-9.999995e+08 
crPix2real4 Pixel zeropoint {image primary HDU keyword: CRPIX2}-9.999995e+08 
crVal1real4 Wavelength zeropoint {image primary HDU keyword: CRVAL1}-9.999995e+08 
crVal2real4 Value of ref pixel {image primary HDU keyword: CRVAL2}-9.999995e+08 
cUnit1varchar16 Units of first array axis {image primary HDU keyword: CUNIT1}'NONE' 
cUnit2varchar16 Units of second array axis {image primary HDU keyword: CUNIT2}'NONE' 
cd1_1real4 Wavelength increment {image primary HDU keyword: CD1_1}-9.999995e+08 
cd1_2real4 ??? {image primary HDU keyword: CD1_2}-9.999995e+08 
cd2_1real4 ??? {image primary HDU keyword: CD2_1}-9.999995e+08 
cd2_2real4 ??? {image primary HDU keyword: CD2_2}-9.999995e+08 
actMjdreal4 Actual MJD of tweak time {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.ACTMJD}-9.999995e+08 
actUtcdatetime8 Actual UTC of tweak time {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.ACTUTC}'9999-12-31 23:59:59' 
allocGuismallint2 Number of allocated FACB stars {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.ALLOCGUI}-9999 
allocObjsmallint2 Number of allocated objects {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.ALLOCOBJ}-9999 
allocSkysmallint2 Number of allocated sky positions {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.ALLOCSKY}-9999 
unallocGuismallint2 Number of unallocated FACB stars {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.UNALLGUI}-9999 
unallocObjsmallint2 Number of unallocated objects {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.UNALLOBJ}-9999 
unallocSkysmallint2 Number of unallocated sky positions {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.UNALLSKY}-9999 
argUsedsmallint2 Flag indicating if ARGUS is used {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.ARGSUSED}-9999 
atmosPressurereal4millibarsAtmospheric pressure {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.ATMPRES}-9.999995e+08 
atmosHumidreal4percentageAtmospheric relative humidity {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.ATMRHUM}-9.999995e+08 
atmosTempreal4CelsiusAtmospheric temperature {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.ATMTEMP}-9.999995e+08 
cenRareal4DegreesField centre mean RA {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.CENRA}-9.999995e+08 
cenDecreal4DegreesField centre mean Dec {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.CENDEC}-9.999995e+08 
cenEquinoxreal4 Equinox of Field Centre (FK5 Julian) {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.CENEQNX}-9.999995e+08 
durationreal4SecondsDuration centered around ACTMJD {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.DURATION}-9.999995e+08 
facbWavelenreal4nanometresFACB wavelength {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.FACBWLEN}-9.999995e+08 
confFileNamevarchar64 Configuration file name {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.FILENAME}'NONE' 
insRotOffreal4DegreesInstrument rotator offset used {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.INSROT}-9.999995e+08 
labelvarchar64 Label used for field {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.LABEL}'NONE' 
platetinyint1 Identifier of the used positioner plate {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.PLATE}0 
confWavelenreal4nanometreWavelength used by Configure program {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.WLEN}-9.999995e+08 
telModelParNtinyint1 Number of telescope model parameters {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.TELMDLN}  
telPar01real4 Telescope model parameter 1 {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.TELPAR1}-9.999995e+08 
telPar02real4 Telescope model parameter 2 {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.TELPAR2}-9.999995e+08 
telPar03real4 Telescope model parameter 3 {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.TELPAR3}-9.999995e+08 
telPar04real4 Telescope model parameter 4 {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.TELPAR4}-9.999995e+08 
telPar05real4 Telescope model parameter 5 {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.TELPAR5}-9.999995e+08 
telPar06real4 Telescope model parameter 6 {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.TELPAR6}-9.999995e+08 
telPar07real4 Telescope model parameter 7 {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.TELPAR7}-9.999995e+08 
telPar08real4 Telescope model parameter 8 {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.TELPAR8}-9.999995e+08 
telPar09real4 Telescope model parameter 9 {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.TELPAR9}-9.999995e+08 
telPar10real4 Telescope model parameter 10 {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.TELPAR10}-9.999995e+08 
telPar11real4 Telescope model parameter 11 {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.TELPAR11}-9.999995e+08 
telPar12real4 Telescope model parameter 12 {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.TELPAR12}-9.999995e+08 
telPar13real4 Telescope model parameter 13 {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.TELPAR13}-9.999995e+08 
telPar14real4 Telescope model parameter 14 {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.TELPAR14}-9.999995e+08 
telPar15real4 Telescope model parameter 15 {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.TELPAR15}-9.999995e+08 
telPar16real4 Telescope model parameter 16 {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.TELPAR16}-9.999995e+08 
telPar17real4 Telescope model parameter 17 {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.TELPAR17}-9.999995e+08 
telPar18real4 Telescope model parameter 18 {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.TELPAR18}-9.999995e+08 
telPar19real4 Telescope model parameter 19 {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.TELPAR19}-9.999995e+08 
telPar20real4 Telescope model parameter 20 {catalogue extension keyword:  Fibinfo.TELPAR20}-9.999995e+08 
deprecated link to glossaryint4 Deprecated flag: coded as current=0 or deprecated !=00meta.code
cuEventIDint4 UID of curation event giving rise to this record meta.bib
Total length1524