TABLE VIEW  SpectrumAndFrame

Spectrum and SpecFrame combination

Extended details for each spectrum: all the columns from table 'Spectrum'
combined with some columns from its parent 'SpecFrame'.
The details and SQL SELECT corresponding to this view are available here.

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
specIDbigint8 Spectrum identifier: unique identifier for each spectrum (4 MSB are the specFrameID; 4 LSB are the nSpec)-99999999 
specFrameIDint4 SpecFrame identifier of the SpecFrame from which the spectrum was extracted-99999999 
targetIDbigint8 Target identifer of the star being observed-99999999 
fileNamevarchar256 The GES Science Archive filename at WFAU for the specFrame, eg. /path/filename.fits. Only for UVES SingleSpec files.'NONE';meta.file
nSpecint4 The number of the spectrum-99999999 
nSpecOldint4 The number of the spectrum before unused fibres were culled (equivalent to the number of the fibre)-99999999 
cNamevarchar16 Object name formed from the coordinates of the object (can be used in place of object to give a unique name)'NONE' 
typevarchar32 M for programme objects or S for sky fibres'NONE' 
spClassvarchar8 The spectral class (STAR, SKY or LOWSN; the latter two classes do not have spectral fits done for them)'NONE' 
magreal4magA magnitude estimate-9.999995e+08 
priorityint4 Observation priority-99999999 
snrreal4 The mean signal-to-noise ratio in the spectrum-9.999995e+08 
skyOffreal4pixelsOffset to get the mean sky into coincidence with the current spectrum-9.999995e+08 
skyScalereal4 The scaling factor applied to the mean sky before subtracting from the current spectrum-9.999995e+08 
expTimereal4secondsTotal integration time 
rmsTracereal4pixelsThe RMS of the fit to the curvature of the spectrum on the detector-9.999995e+08 
rmsArcreal4AngstromsThe RMS of the wavelength solution-9.999995e+08 
resArcreal4 The resolution of the arclines-9.999995e+08 
fwhmArcreal4 The FWHM of the arclines-9.999995e+08 
ccfMaxreal4 The peak value of the cross correlation function-9.999995e+08 
ccfWidthreal4km/sWidth of the peak of the cross correlation function-9.999995e+08 
rvRedshiftreal4km/sThe radial velocity measured from the cross correlation-9.999995e+08 
rvfloat8km/sThe measured radial velocity from the cross correlation-9.999995e+08 
rvErrfloat8km/sError on the measured radial velocity from the cross correlation-9.999995e+08 
rvVarfloat8km/sVariance? on the measured radial velocity from the cross correlation-9.999995e+08 
vRotfloat8km/sThe best fit rotational velocity-9.999995e+08 
vRotErrfloat8km/sError on vRot-9.999995e+08 
helioCorreal4km/sThe heliocentric correction-9.999995e+08 
simcalCorreal4km/sThe correction to be applied to correct for wavelength drift calculated from simcal observations-9.999995e+08 
simcalRmsreal4km/sThe RMS on simcalCor-9.999995e+08 
skylineCorreal4km/sThe correction to be applied to correct for wavelength drift calculated from the sky lines in the observations-9.999995e+08 
skylineRmsreal4km/sThe RMS on skylineCor-9.999995e+08 
vacuumCorreal4km/sThe correction to be applied to the measured redshift if the spectral features in the template are defined in vacuum rather than at STP-9.999995e+08 
bestTemplvarchar64 A designation for the best fitting radial velocity template'NONE' 
tmplTempreal4KThe temperature for the best fitting radial velocity template-9.999995e+08 
tmplLoggreal4 The value of log(g) for the best fitting radial velocity template-9.999995e+08 
tmplFeHreal4 The value of [Fe/H] for the best fitting radial velocity template-9.999995e+08 
chi2dofreal4 Chi-squared of the template fit-9.999995e+08 
chi2contreal4 Chi-squared of the continuum-only fit-9.999995e+08 
templDistreal4 Something to do with the radial velocity template-9.999995e+08 
loggreal4 The value of log(g) of the best fitting template-9.999995e+08 
logTeffreal4 The value of log(Teff) of the best fitting template-9.999995e+08 
FeHreal4 The value of [Fe/H] of the best fitting template-9.999995e+08 
deprecatedint4 Deprecated flag: coded as current=0 or deprecated !=0meta.code
instrumentvarchar8 Instrument name'NONE' 
gratingvarchar5nmGrating central wavelength (as string to guarantee formatting)'NONE' 
gesTypevarchar8 GES Type'NONE' 
objectvarchar64 Name of the frame (often the name of the guide star or a bright nearby object)'NONE' 
Total length645