
Database schema file containing SQL to create the GES cross-neighbour tables.
TargetXatlasDR3Source Cross-neighbours between the GES Target catalogue and the VST Atlas survey.
TargetXGAIADR1gaia_source Cross-neighbours between the GES Target catalogue and the Gaia DR1 main catalogue
TargetXGAIADR1tgas_source Cross-neighbours between the GES Target catalogue and the Gaia DR1 TGAS catalogue
TargetXSSASource Cross-neighbours between the GES Target catalogue and the SSA.
TargetXtwomass_psc Cross-neighbours between the GES Target catalogue and the 2MASS PSC.
TargetXvhsDR4Source Cross-neighbours between the GES Target catalogue and the VISTA VHS.
Latest Revision:653, 2017-11-30 13:51:24 (Thu, 30 Nov 2017)