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Known Issues with GES Release gesiDR2iDR3

This page documents the known issues with GES Release gesiDR2iDR3 as of 13 February 2015.

  • In some cases the analysis results could not be linked to the source spectra from which they were computed for various reasons. Notable cases include target fields that are duplicated in iDR2 and iDR3 and manyspec files containing multiple spectra of a given star. Further enhancements are planned to resolve some of these cases. Currently ∼84% of the spectrum groups analysed (30,374 of 35,993) are comprised solely of linked spectra.

  • Some high proper-motion stars exist in the archive with more than one cName due to their being observed at several epochs and hence have multiple entries in the Target table (with multiple targetIDs). For iDR4 a standard list of cNames has been created so that all such stars will be more easily retrieved.

  • Caution advised for radial velocity studies: The WG15 homogenised results, available as view RecommendedAstroAnalysis, includes radial velocities for stars for which homogenised parameters have been derived (column Vrad in RecommendedAstroAnalysis). However, if you are performing a radial velocity study of a sample of stars, please be aware that there may be additional radial velocities available in table Spectrum for stars which do not have derived parameters (and thus do not have an entry in RecommendedAstroAnalysis). Please note that these additional values are pipeline radial velocities that have not been homogenised in the same way as the WG15 velocities. Please consult the PIs about the use of kinematic datasets.

  • UVES spectra from the ESO archive (not observed as part of GES) and benchmark calibration & spectral library spectra are presently unavailable and have no corresponding entries in the SpecFrame and Spectrum tables of the GES database.

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