Known Issues with GES Release gesiDR5
This page documents the known issues with GES Release gesiDR5 as of
24 Novemeber 2017.
GIRAFFE VSINI The distribution of GIRAFFE rotational
velocities (VROT from the GIRAFFE pipeline) was found to be anomalous. The rotational
velocity could not be reliably estimated down to the level of a few km/sec given the
variation in resolution of the instrument, in particular due to the procedure
implemented in February 2015 to improve the focussing procedure for GIRAFFE. This
change resulted in improved spectral resolutions, particularly in the HR settings
used by GES. The outcome of this issue is that no GIRAFFE VROT values were selected
for inclusion in the Recommended VSINI column in the RecommendedAstroAnalysis table.
Any VSINI values that are reported come from other sources (e.g. UVES, WG13, etc, as
documented in the WG15 Report).
For those who want a VSINI for science use where a recommended VSINI value is not
reported in RecommendedAstroAnalysis, the OACT node vsini values for stars observed
with the Giraffe HR15N setup can be retrieved from the OACT node table and may be used
in science analyses without obtaining permission from the PIs. The OACT node table values
are available in the AstroAnalysis table in the Archive (to access them include
a constraint like nodeName = 'OACT' in the WHERE
clause of the SELECT statement; see here
for more details and examples). The OACT vsini values for HR15N were calculated from an
empirical correction for the GIRAFFE HR15N pipeline VROT values provided by R. Jackson
and A. Frasca. The correction formula, along with a table of input data and documentation,
is available to the GES Consortium on the GES DR5 wiki page (link:
The known issue with the SNR in GIRAFFE in iDR4 has been fixed for iDR5.
The scheme to produce the recommended SNR which appears in the RecommendedAstroAnalysis
table is described in the WG15 report. The SNR for each spectrum may be found in the
Spectrum table.
No recommended ALPHA_FE values (global alpha element to iron ratio) are
provided for iDR5. Recommended values for abundances of individual alpha-process
elements are provided.
The fraction of stars with recommended parameters and abundances may have
changed compared to iDR4 due to higher quality thresholds applied by WG15 during
the homogenisation (e.g. the application of constraints based on the minimum number
of node results available). See the full WG15 report for more information.
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