TABLE  twomass_sixx2_scn

Contains the parameters in the Scan Information Table.

The following table contains brief descriptions of the parameters in the
Scan Information Table, which provides basic data for each scan in the
TWOMASS Long Exposure (6x) Scan Catalogue.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (cntr)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
cxfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.distance;pos.cartesian.x
cyfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.distance;pos.cartesian.y
czfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.distance;pos.cartesian.z
htmIDbigint8 Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (HTM) index, 20 deep, for equatorial co-ordinates pos.eq
cntrint4 entry counter (key) number (unique within table)  
hemisvarchar1 hemisphere (N/S) of observation  
datedatetime8yyyy-mm-ddobservation date  
scansmallint2 scan number (unique within date)  
tileint4 tile ID number  
rafloat8degright ascension (J2000 decimal deg) of scan center  
decfloat8degdeclination (J2000 decimal deg) of scan center  
clonvarchar16 The computed ra (J2000 EQ) of scan center in sexigesimal.  
clatvarchar16 The computed dec (J2000 EQ) of scan center in sexigesimal.  
glonfloat8deggalactic longitude (decimal deg) of scan center  
glatfloat8deggalactic latitude (decimal deg) of scan center  
ra_1float8degright ascension (J2000 decimal deg) of scan corner 1  
dec_1float8degdeclination (J2000 decimal deg) of scan corner 1  
ra_2float8degright ascension (J2000 decimal deg) of scan corner 2  
dec_2float8degdeclination (J2000 decimal deg) of scan corner 2  
ra_3float8degright ascension (J2000 decimal deg) of scan corner 3  
dec_3float8degdeclination (J2000 decimal deg) of scan corner 3  
ra_4float8degright ascension (J2000 decimal deg) of scan corner 4  
dec_4float8degdeclination (J2000 decimal deg) of scan corner 4  
sdvarchar1 direction of scan -- north/south-bound (n/s)  
qualsmallint2 quality score for scan (0-10)  
hglsmallint2 single-frame H-band glitch flag (0:not found|1:found)  
cldsmallint2 downgrade from DB photom. overlap comparison (clouds) (0|1)  
xphsmallint2 downgrade from DB photom. overlap compar. (non-cloud) (0|1)  
anomsmallint2 entry in coadd anomaly table (0:not found|1:found)  
utfloat8hrsbeginning UT of scan data  
jdatefloat8jdateJulian date beginning UT of scan data  
airmreal4 beginning airmass of scan  
zdreal4degbeginning zenith distance of scan data  
hafloat8hrbeginning hour angle of scan data  
rhsmallint2%relative humidity (%) at beginning of scan  
air_tempreal4degCair temperature (deg C) at beginning of scan  
tel_tempreal4degCtelescope tube girdle temperature (deg C) at beg. of scan  
focussmallint2 telescope focus setting  
hrysmallint2 H-band detector array switched, north only (0=old, 1=new)  
c_stratsmallint2 calibration strategy, north only (0=old, 1=new)  
j_zp_apreal4magJ band ap. calibration photometric zero-point for scan  
h_zp_apreal4magH band ap. calibration photometric zero-point for scan  
k_zp_apreal4magK band ap. calibration photometric zero-point for scan  
h_zperr_apreal4magH band ap. calibration rms error of zero-point for scan  
k_zperr_apreal4magK band ap. calibration rms error of zero-point for scan  
j_n_snr10int4 number of J point sources with SNR>10 (instrumental m<=15.8)  
h_n_snr10int4 number of H point sources with SNR>10 (instrumental m<=15.1)  
k_n_snr10int4 number of K point sources with SNR>10 (instrumental m<=14.3)  
n_extint4 number of regular extended sources detected in scan  
j_shape_avgreal4 J band average seeing shape for scan  
h_shape_avgreal4 H band average seeing shape for scan  
k_shape_avgreal4 K band average seeing shape for scan  
j_shape_rmsreal4 rms of J band avg seeing shape for scan  
h_shape_rmsreal4 rms of H band avg seeing shape for scan  
k_shape_rmsreal4 rms of K band avg seeing shape for scan  
j_2mratreal4 J band average 2nd image moment ratio for scan  
h_2mratreal4 H band average 2nd image moment ratio for scan  
k_2mratreal4 K band average 2nd image moment ratio for scan  
j_pspreal4 J photometric sensitivity param: j_shape_avg*(j_fbg_avg^.29)  
h_pspreal4 H photometric sensitivity param: h_shape_avg*(h_fbg_avg^.29)  
k_pspreal4 K photometric sensitivity param: k_shape_avg*(k_fbg_avg^.29)  
j_pts_noisereal4logmJylog10 of J band modal point src noise estimate  
h_pts_noisereal4logmJylog10 of H band modal point src noise estimate  
k_pts_noisereal4logmJylog10 of K band modal point src noise estimate  
j_msnr10real4magJ mag at which SNR=10 is achieved, from j_psp and j_zp_ap  
h_msnr10real4magH mag at which SNR=10 is achieved, from h_psp and h_zp_ap  
k_msnr10real4magK mag at which SNR=10 is achieved, from k_psp and k_zp_ap  
catsmallint2 Catalog indicator 1=catalog, 0=not catalog  
Total length348