
Database schema file containing SQL to create the GES curation tables.
ArchiveCurationHistory Contains details of the matrix of the Archive's required curation tasks.
CatalogueLedger Ledger of all the external catalogues paired with the GES target catalogue.
CurationTask Contains a list of all curation tasks that are used within the OSA.
InstrumentConfig Table of instrument configurations.
InstrumentConfigParameter List of instrument configuration parameters.
LineList Table to hold all the line data used in the analysis of spectra.
MolFeature Table to hold all the molecular data used in the analysis of spectra.
Programme List of programmes comprising the GES survey.
ProgrammeTarget This table lists which target stars (targets) occur in which programme.
Release Details of each release of the GES survey.
RoleGes The role table holds all possible roles which data items may adopt in the data processing.
SoftwareVersion The SoftwareVersion table holds version information for software items used in the data processing.
Survey Basic details of the GES survey.
SurveyProgrammes List of programmes within the GES survey.
Target The Target table contains the master target list of stars observed in the GES survey.
Latest Revision:367, 2013-11-18 13:09:01 (Mon, 18 Nov 2013)