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iDR2: Example Queries for the GES archive

This document pertains to release iDR2 of the GES archive. It should not be used with earlier releases of the archive; some aspects of the discussion and examples are incorrect for previous releases.

This document presents a number of examples of typical queries of the GES archive. The examples are intended to be similar to the queries which users new to the archive will often make.


The GES archive is searched using queries expressed in the Structured Query Language (SQL), which is the standard way of manipulating relational databases. The examples presented here assume familiarity with both the rudiments of SQL and use of the GES SQL query pages.

A beginner's introduction to SQL is available here.

Instructions for using the GES SQL query pages are available here.

The examples are divided into a number of sections based on the type of query being performed:

Queries on Target Stars

These queries return lists of target stars selected from the archive. Note that they do not return lists of spectra of those stars: a given star may be observed more than once. Nor do they return lists of recommended (or other) physical parameters (effective temperature etc.) and abundances. Subsequent sections give examples of querying these quantities.

Aside on star names

The naming of stars, in catalogues and elsewhere, can be surprisingly problematic, with the brighter stars, in particular, enjoying a variety of designations. Some catalogue naming schemes derive a star's name from its celestial coordinates, others do not; there are pros and cons to both approaches.

In the Gaia-ESO Survey (GES) survey each star is assigned a name based on its celestial coordinates. This name is formed by concatenating the sexagesimal Right Ascension in hours with the sexagesimal Declination in degrees according to the following scheme:


where ± specifies the sign of the Declination, either '+' or '-'. Several of the tables in the archive include the name of the target stars in this format, in a column called 'cName'. The names tabulated in column 'cName' are derived from each star's equatorial coordinates as supplied by ESO. Currently the following tables contain a 'cName' column:

  1. Is a given star in the archive?

    A list of all the stars in the GES archive is stored in the 'Target' table. This table contains two columns of star names. One is column 'cName', as described above, which contains the name derived from the star's equatorial coordinates. The other column is called 'esoName' and contains the star's name as returned by ESO (and originally specified by the GES Consortium when the star was selected for inclusion in the survey), in the same format as 'cName'. Usually the two names will be the same for a given star, but they may sometimes differ in the least significant digit in either coordinate. The following queries select all the information in table 'Target' for star 11053303-7700120 using the 'cName' and 'esoName' column respectively (for this star the two names are the same):

    SELECT * FROM Target WHERE cName ='11053303-7700120';

    SELECT * FROM Target WHERE esoName='11053303-7700120';

  2. Which (if any) of the following list of stars are in the archive?

    If you wish to check which of the stars in a list are in the archive then the SQL 'IN' clause can be used. The following queries show the use of this clause for selections on both the 'cName' and 'esoName' columns. Note that in principle there is no restriction on the size of the list. Also note that only stars in the list that are found in the archive will be listed; any which are not in the archive will not appear (star 'bad-name' is included in the example to illustrate this point).

    SELECT * FROM Target WHERE cName IN('11034945-7700101', '11044460-7706240', 'bad-name', '11053303-7700120');

    SELECT * FROM Target WHERE esoName IN('11034945-7700101', '11044460-7706240', 'bad-name', '11053303-7700120');

    Any stars not in your list can be identified using a query of the (slightly cumbersome) form:

    SELECT * FROM ( VALUES ('11034945-7700101'), ('11044460-7706240'), ('bad-name'), ('11053303-7700120')) AS starList(starName) WHERE starName NOT IN (SELECT cName FROM Target);

  3. Select all the stars within a given range of RA and Dec.

    The J2000 Right Ascension and Declination of stars in the GES survey are respectively stored in columns 'ra' and 'dec' of table 'Target'. Both coordinates are stored in decimal degrees (note in particular that the Right Ascension is not stored in hours) and southern Declinations are negative. Thus, the first step is to convert the coordinates of your range to this format. The stars enclosed in the region can then be found with a query of the form:

    SELECT * FROM Target WHERE (ra BETWEEN ra_min AND ra_max) AND (dec BETWEEN dec_min AND dec_max);

    Suppose your range was 70 to 80 degrees of Right Ascension and -45 to -30 degrees of Declination then the corresponding SQL would be:

    SELECT * FROM Target WHERE (ra BETWEEN 70 AND 80) AND (dec BETWEEN -45 AND -30);

Queries on Spectra

These queries return details of spectra available in the GES archive. Recall that each star may have more than one spectrum (because it was observed more than once).

  1. Which (if any) spectra are available for a given star?

    All the spectra in the GES archive are listed in table 'Spectrum'. This table contains auxiliary information about each spectrum (metadata in the jargon of computer science), such as a magnitude estimate for the target star, the observing priority, the exposure time, etc. For convenience of identifying stars a 'cName' column is included listing each star's name. Other information pertaining to the target star, rather than to the spectrum, can be listed by joining the 'Spectrum' and 'Target' tables. The spectra themselves are not stored in a database table but as FITS files. As a first example, to list all the spectra for star 11053303-7700120:

    SELECT * FROM Spectrum WHERE cName ='11053303-7700120';

  2. Which (if any) spectra are available for a given list of stars?

    Queries to list all the spectra available for a list of stars are similar to those for a single star (above) but use the 'IN' clause to specify the star list. Note that in principle there is no restriction on the size of the star list. Also note that only stars in the list that are found in the archive will be listed; any which are not in the archive will not appear (star 'bad-name' is included in the example to illustrate this point). The following query lists all the spectra available for a list of stars:

    SELECT * FROM Spectrum WHERE cName IN('11034945-7700101', '11044460-7706240', 'bad-name', '11053303-7700120');

    Any stars with no spectra can be identified using a query of the (slightly cumbersome) form:

    SELECT * FROM ( VALUES ('11034945-7700101'), ('11044460-7706240'), ('bad-name'), ('11053303-7700120')) AS starList(starName) WHERE starName NOT IN (SELECT cName FROM Spectrum);

  3. How many spectra are available for each of a given list of stars?

    The following query counts the number of spectra for each of the stars in a list. Note that any stars for which there are no spectra are not included in the returned list (star 'bad-name' is included in the example to illustrate this point).

    SELECT cName AS 'star', COUNT(cName) AS 'no. of spectra' FROM Spectrum WHERE cName IN ('11034945-7700101', '11044460-7706240', 'bad-name', '11053303-7700120') GROUP BY cName ORDER BY cName;

    See the previous example for how to check for any stars in the list which have no spectra.

  4. List all the spectra available for all the stars within a given range of RA and Dec.

    As previously described queries to find all the stars in a given region of Right Ascension and Declination must be made on the 'Target' table because it is the only table to list each star's celestial coordinates. The 'Target' table can then be joined with the 'Spectrum' table to find the spectra available for each star. For example, to list the name, equatorial coordinates, exposure time, signal-to-noise ratio and magnitude of all the spectra for all the stars in the range 70 to 80 degrees of Right Ascension and -45 to -30 degrees of Declination:

      tg.cname, tg.ra, tg.dec, sp.expTime, sp.snr, sp.mag
      Target tg,
      Spectrum sp
    WHERE tg.targetId = sp.targetId
      AND (tg.ra BETWEEN 70 AND 80)
      AND (tg.dec BETWEEN -45 AND -30);

    Internal identifiers in GES archive tables

    The above query joined the 'Target' and 'Spectrum' tables. This operation could have been done using the 'cName' column to identify corresponding rows in the tables since this column occurs in both tables. However, it was actually done using a column called 'targetId' which also occurs in both tables. These 'targetId' columns have a similar purpose to 'cName': to uniquely identify a given star (or 'target') and hence to allow joins to proceed by identifying rows in the two tables pertaining to the same star.

    The advantages of using column 'targetId' rather than column 'cName' are that the former is numeric and indexed, which permits fast and efficient access. Consequently 'targetId' should be used in preference to 'cName' to identify corresponding stars in two or more tables. However, you should never need to know the actual values of 'targetId' (they are just numbers) as they are invented internally for the archive and have no wider astronomical significance. Moreover, they are created afresh for each release of the database, so do not rely on them remaining the same in different releases. For example, if you make a note of the 'targetId' of your favourite star in the current release and then query the following release, when it appears, using this value you will retrieve data for a different star.

    The archive contains several other identifiers in addition to 'targetId'. For example, every row in the 'Spectrum' table also has an identifier, column 'specId', which uniquely identifies it. This identifier is used, for example, in identifying the spectrum from which individual astrophysical analysis parameters (effective temperature etc.) have been derived. Several different types of identifier will appear in the examples below.

  5. Which (if any) spectra are available for a given list of stars and with which spectrograph were they obtained?

    The 'Spectrum' table does not include a column listing the spectrograph with which it was acquired, so a more involved approach is required to show the instrument used.

    GES spectra are all obtained using one of two multi-object spectrographs: GIRAFFE and UVES. Such instruments acquire a group (or 'frame') of spectra simultaneously (and are related to ESO's 'OBs' or 'observing blocks'). The 'SpecFrame' table lists all such frames included in the GES survey and contains details pertaining to the entire frame rather than individual spectra. It includes column 'instrument' which lists the spectrograph used. The values corresponding to the two instruments are: 'GIRAFFE' and 'UVES' (note that the values are in upper case). To show which spectrograph was used, the rows selected from the 'Spectrum' table must be joined to the rows for their parent frames in the 'SpecFrame' table. The 'SpecFrame' table has a column, 'specFrameId', which contains an integer value that uniquely identifies each specFrame (see the note about identifiers, above). Table 'Spectrum' also contains a 'specFrameId' column and it lists the identifier of the specFrame from which each spectrum was extracted. Thus:

      spec.cName, frame.instrument
      Spectrum spec,
      SpecFrame frame
    WHERE spec.specFrameId = frame.specFrameId
      AND spec.cName IN ('11034945-7700101', '11044460-7706240', '21101955-0200414');

    A similar query can be used to show only the spectra obtained with a given spectrograph:

      spec.cName, frame.instrument
      Spectrum spec,
      SpecFrame frame
    WHERE spec.specFrameId = frame.specFrameId
      AND spec.cName IN ('11034945-7700101', '11044460-7706240', '21101955-0200414')
      AND frame.instrument = 'UVES';

    It is also possible to combine the 'Spectrum', 'SpecFrame' and 'Target' tables to list all the spectra available in a given range of Right Ascension and Declination and to show the spectrograph with which they were observed:

      tg.cname, tg.ra, tg.dec, frame.instrument, sp.expTime
      Target tg,
      Spectrum sp,
      SpecFrame frame
    WHERE tg.targetId = sp.targetId
      AND sp.specFrameId = frame.specFrameId
      AND (tg.ra BETWEEN 70 AND 80)
      AND (tg.dec BETWEEN -45 AND -30);

    The values of column 'instrument' in the 'SpecFrame' table corresponding to the two spectrographs used are 'GIRAFFE' and 'UVES', however to check which values actually occur in the table:

    SELECT DISTINCT instrument FROM SpecFrame;

    or to check the number of times each occurs and to order the resulting list alphabetically by instrument:

    SELECT instrument, COUNT(instrument)
    FROM   SpecFrame
    GROUP BY instrument
    ORDER BY instrument;

    You are likely to find that your queries of spectra will often also involve columns from 'SpecFrame', as in the above examples: some of the properties that are naturally thought of as attributes of a spectrum (such as the instrument used to acquire it or its exposure time) are stored in 'SpecFrame' because they are common to all the spectra in the frame. For convenience all the columns in table 'Spectrum' and some of the more often-used columns in 'SpecFrame' are combined in the view 'SpectrumAndFrame'. In the context of relational databases a view is simply a pre-defined combination or subset of tables provided along with the basic tables of the database. The views included with the GES archive work exactly like tables and are queried in the same way. The 'SpecFrame' column 'instrument' is included in the 'SpectrumAndFrame' view, so, the previous example to list the instrument used to acquire each of a list of spectra could be more conveniently and concisely expressed as:

      cName, instrument
    WHERE cName IN ('11034945-7700101', '11044460-7706240', '21101955-0200414');

    Often you will find it more convenient to use view 'SpectrumAndFrame' than table 'Spectrum'.

  6. How do I download a single spectrum (singleSpec file) from the archive?

    Spectrum files in the GES archive

    The GES archive includes two types of files containing spectra: so-called singleSpec and manySpec files. In order to understand the difference recall that the GES observations are made with multi-object spectrographs which typically acquire a number of spectra simultaneously.

    SingleSpec file

    contains a single one-dimensional spectrum of a single object. All the observations of the object made with a given instrument configuration have been co-added or stacked into a single spectrum.

    ManySpec file

    contains a collection or frame of spectra acquired simultaneously. In the final manyspec files currently available all the spectra in the frame have been stacked from all the observations of the frame made with a given instrument configuration. The spectra themselves are one-dimensional but they are stored in a two-dimensional array (with one axis corresponding to wavelength and the other to an index for each each spectrum in the frame).

    Though there are circumstances where you may want either file, usually singleSpec files will be more useful and convenient. The names of individual files in the sets are stored in two different tables in the archive, in both cases in a column called 'fileName':

    Type of file Table File tabulated in column 'fileName'
    SingleSpec SpectrumGroup FITS file of an individual stacked spectrum
    ManySpec SpecFrame FITS file of a complete spectrum frame

    Both singleSpec and manySpec files are stored in FITS format. A report describing the format is available for download (175 Kbyte).

    Once you have identified a set of spectra that are of interest you can download singleSpec files containing them. Recall that each row in table 'Spectrum' corresponds to a single spectrum, identified by a unique 'specID', and tabulates the details characterising it. These details were extracted from keywords in the FITS files containing the spectrum and comprise the metadata available for it. For most spectra tabulated in 'Spectrum' a singleSpec file containing the spectrum is also available. The names of these files are tabulated in column 'fileName' of table 'SpectrumGroup'. If this column is included in a selection then an additional column, 'getFLink', is also listed which provides a link to the singleSpec file. Simply click on this link to retrieve a copy. Since column 'fileName' is in table 'SpectrumGroup' usually you will need to join it to table 'Spectrum' using the 'specID' column in both these tables. For example to download the spectra available for a given star:

      spec.cName, spec.specID, spg.specID, spg.fileName
      Spectrum spec,
      SpectrumGroup spg
    WHERE spec.specID = spg.specID
      AND cName ='11053303-7700120'; 

    (The DISTINCT clause is simply to remove duplicate entries found in the 'SpectrumGroup' table; see the following section, Queries on Individual Analyses, for further discussion of 'SpectrumGroup'.) To retrieve the required files simply click on the appropriate entries in the 'getFLink' column in the listing generated by the query.

    Clicking on individual links is impractical if you wish to download a large number of files. In this case see the item ' How do I download a large number of files?' below.

  7. How do I download a spectrum frame (manySpec) file from the archive?

    The names of the manySpec files of frames available in the archive are tabulated in column 'fileName' of table 'SpecFrame' ('SpecFrame' basically contains FITS keywords extracted from these files). In a similar way to the singleSpec 'fileName' column in table the 'SpectrumGroup' columns in the previous example, if the 'specFrame' column 'fileName' is included in a selection then an additional column, 'getFLink', will be listed containing a link to download a copy of the manySpec file. For example, to download the spectrum frame manySpec file from which a spectrum of a given star was extracted then table 'SpecFrame' should be joined with table 'Spectrum':

      spec.cName, spec.specFrameID, frame.specFrameID, frame.fileName
      Spectrum spec,
      SpecFrame frame
    WHERE spec.specFrameID = frame.specFrameID
      AND cName ='11053303-7700120'; 

    To retrieve the required manySpec files simply click on the appropriate entries in the 'getFLink' column in the listing generated by the query, as in the example for spectrum singleSpec files (above).

    As for the singleSpec files, clicking on individual links is impractical if you wish to download a large number of files. In this case again see the item 'How do I download a large number of files?' below.

  8. How do I download a large number of files from the archive?

    Clicking links to download individual files is fine to retrieve copies of a few files but impractical for a large number. An alternative mechanism is provided to handle this latter case. It uses common Unix shell commands and hence can be scripted. Two shell commands for downloading Web pages and files are in common use: wget and curl. wget has been around for a while whereas curl is newer. Either or both are likely to be available on Linux systems whereas recent versions of Mac OS X, at least, only have curl.

    The function 'dbo.fWgetCmd' has been added to the SQL parser in the GES archive. It is given a single argument, the name of a column containing a file name, and it returns the appropriate wget command to download a copy of the file. 'dbo.fWgetCmd' works with both the 'SpectrumGroup' (for singleSpec files) and 'SpecFrame' (for manySpec files) tables. Other columns can also be listed in the query. For example to select singleSpec files from 'SpectrumGroup':

      spec.cName, spg.fileName, dbo.fWgetCmd(spg.filename) AS 'Download_command'
      Spectrum spec,
      SpectrumGroup spg
    WHERE spec.specID = spg.specID
      AND cName ='11053303-7700120'; 

    In this example only two rows are returned; in practice you would use 'dbo.fWgetCmd' in queries where you wished to select a larger number of spectra. Similarly, to select manySpec files from 'SpecFrame':

      spec.cName, frame.fileName, dbo.fWgetCmd(frame.filename) AS 'Download_command'
      Spectrum spec,
      SpecFrame frame
    WHERE spec.specFrameID = frame.specFrameID
      AND cName ='11053303-7700120'; 

    Once your query has run the wget commands listed by 'dbo.fWgetCmd' can be executed as you prefer. However, shell script is available to simplify this task. To use it proceed as follows.

    1. Before submitting your query choose the 'ASCII FILE' option for the results file, so that the table generated will be written as a CSV file.

    2. Retrieve a copy of if you have not already done so (click here to retrieve a copy).

    3. The retrieved file must be executable. Change its permission if necessary:

      chmod u+x ./

    4. will read your CSV file of results and create a script to automatically download all the file URLs tabulated by 'dbo.fWgetCmd'. Any other columns tabulated in the CSV file will be ignored. creates a script to retrieve the files using either wget or curl. In the case of wget it just extracts the entries generated by 'dbo.fWgetCmd'. For curl it substitutes wget with curl and makes the necessary changes to the command-line arguments.

    5. To use to generate a wget script start a Unix terminal window, make the directory containing the CSV file and the current directory and type:

      ./ csv-file-name

      or to generate a curl download script:

      ./ csv-file-name curl

      (Any second argument to will cause it to create a curl rather than a wget script.) The download script will have the same name as the CSV file but file type .sh.

    6. Again you might need to change the permission of the new download script:

      chmod u+x ./download-script

    7. Finally, run the new download script:


Queries on Recommended Analyses

Aside on recommended and other parameters

This discussion applies to release GESiDR2; subsequent releases may be different and previous releases were different.

The spectra acquired as part of GES are reduced and analysed by the GES Consortium. The structure of the Consortium includes several working groups and each working group typically comprises several nodes.

Working groups

typically coordinate analyses of a set of stars, usually of a given spectral class (or range of spectral classes) and/or observed with a given spectrograph (GIRAFFE or UVES). The actual analyses are performed by the nodes comprising the woking group.


within a working group perform an individual analysis on the stars assigned to the working group or a subset of them. The nodes use a variety of analysis methods to arrive at their sets of parameters and abundances.

Every node analysis produces a set of astrophysical parameters pertaining to the entire spectrum (such as the effective temperature or surface gravity) and, in some cases, abundances of a set of species for each star that it works on. The working group then combines these results into a single preferred set of astrophysical parameters and abundances that it recommends. The archive contains both these working group recommended parameters and the individual parameters computed by the various nodes. Moreover, often the individual nodes will perform two types of analyses: one where they determine both astrophysical parameters and abundances and a second in which they adopt the astrophysical parameters recommended by their parent working group and determine just the abundances.

Finally there is one working group (WG15) which does not perform analyses itself but produces a recommended, homogenised set of results from the recommended results of Working Groups 10-14 (the selection criteria for recommended values are described in the WG15 report). It is Consortium policy that the recommended, homogenised WG15 parameters and abundances must be used in all GES publications and calculations leading to such publications.

All the different types of result are stored in table 'AstroAnalysis' and a set of views are defined on this table corresponding to each of the types of result (the columns are the same in all cases). This section gives examples of querying the WG15 recommended parameters and the following section gives examples of querying the other views.

  1. List the recommended analysis parameters for all the spectra of a given star

    All the recommended parameters determined for stars in the archive are available in view 'RecommendedAstroAnalysis' (a view is an entity in a relational database which for the present purposes behaves like a table). The columns in view 'RecommendedAstroAnalysis' include 'cName' which lists the name of the star observed and 'wg' which lists the name of the working group that performed the analysis, in the form 'WGxx', for example 'WG10'. To list selected parameters (here effective temperature, log surface gravity, [Fe/H] ratio, Li I abundance and C II abundance) for all the spectra observed for a given star and the name of the working group that performed the analyses:

    SELECT cName, wg, teff, logg, feh, li1, c1
    FROM   RecommendedAstroAnalysis
    WHERE  cName ='11053303-7700120';

    Note that two records are returned as this star has been analysed by WG11 and WG12; in general a given spectrum may be analysed by more than one working group.

  2. List the recommended analysis parameters for all the spectra available for a list of stars

    Similarly to list selected parameters for all the spectra observed for a list of stars:

    SELECT cName, wg, teff, logg, feh, li1, c1
    FROM   RecommendedAstroAnalysis
    WHERE  cName IN ('11034945-7700101', '11044460-7706240', '21101955-0200414')
    ORDER BY cName;

    The list is ordered by 'cName' so that results for the same star appear together.

  3. List recommended analysis parameters alongside information about the spectrum from which they were obtained.

    Aside on linking recommended parameters to their parent spectra

    To list analysis parameters determined from a spectrum alongside information about the spectrum it is necessary to join the 'RecommendedAstroAnalysis' and 'Spectrum' tables. However, these tables cannot be joined directly, but must be joined through the intermediate table 'SpectrumGroup'. The reason that 'SpectrumGroup' is needed is as follows. Usually recommended parameters are derived from a single spectrum. However, in some cases they are derived from two or more spectra, typically covering different wavelength regions. To cope with these latter cases the notion of the 'spectrum group' was introduced.

    A spectrum group is simply a unique group of spectra from which recommended parameters have been derived. Most spectrum groups will consist of a single spectrum, but some will consist of two or more. Each spectrum group has a unique identifier, which is tabulated in 'RecommendedAstroAnalysis' as column 'specGroupId'. Table 'SpectrumGroup' lists the spectrum identifiers of the spectra that constitute each spectrum group. If the spectrum group contains two spectra then the query will return two rows for each recommended parameter, one for each spectrum. It is a little easier to see what is going on if the 'specGroupId' and 'specId' identifiers are included in the listing (though, of course, they have no significance outside the GES archive):

      spg.specGroupId, sp.specId,
      racc.cName, racc.wg, racc.teff, racc.logg, racc.feh,
      sp.expTime, sp.snr
      RecommendedAstroAnalysis racc,
      SpectrumGroup spg,
      Spectrum sp
    WHERE racc.specGroupId = spg.specGroupId
      AND spg.specId = sp.specId
      AND racc.cName ='11053303-7700120';

    In any event, the upshot is that the 'RecommendedAstroAnalysis' and 'Spectrum' tables must be linked using the 'SpectrumGroup' table.

    To list analysis parameters determined from a spectrum alongside information about the spectrum it is necessary to join the 'RecommendedAstroAnalysis' and 'Spectrum' tables. However, these tables cannot be joined directly, but must be joined through the intermediate table 'SpectrumGroup', as explained above. So, for example:

      racc.cName, racc.wg, racc.teff, racc.logg, racc.feh, racc.gratings,
      sp.expTime, sp.snr,
      RecommendedAstroAnalysis racc,
      SpectrumGroup spg,
      Spectrum sp
    WHERE racc.specGroupId = spg.specGroupId
      AND spg.specId = sp.specId
      AND racc.cName ='11053303-7700120';

    In this example in addition to the working group and some recommended parameters (effective temperature, log surface gravity and FeH ratio) the exposure time and signal-to-noise ratio of the spectrum from which they were derived are listed.

    It is, of course, possible to display additional information about the spectra by joining the 'RecommendedAstroAnalysis', 'SpectrumGroup' and 'Spectrum' tables with the 'SpecFrame' table in the same way that the 'Spectrum' and 'SpecFrame' were joined (above). For example, to include the spectrograph used to acquire the spectra in the above query:

      racc.cName, racc.wg, racc.teff, racc.logg, racc.feh,
      sp.expTime, sp.snr,
      RecommendedAstroAnalysis racc,
      SpectrumGroup spg,
      Spectrum sp,
      SpecFrame frame
    WHERE racc.specGroupId = spg.specGroupId
      AND spg.specId = sp.specId
      AND sp.specFrameId = frame.specFrameId
      AND racc.cName ='11053303-7700120';
  4. List the recommended radial and rotational velocities for a given star.

    See separate notes (which require login).

Queries on Working Group Recommended and Individual Node Analyses

As described in the previous section, each working group comprises several nodes and each node performs an independent analysis on some or all of the spectra (or rather spectrum groups) assigned to the group. The working group then combines these individual results to derive a set of astrophysical parameters and abundances recommended by the group. The individual nodes may perform a second set of analyses by adopting the astrophysical parameters recommended by the group and redetermining the abundances. Finally Working Group 15 uses the results of the various other groups to produce an overall recommended set of parameters (which are tabulated in view 'RecommendedAstroAnalysis' used in the previous section).

All these different types of result are stored in table 'AstroAnalysis' and there are views corresponding to each. The following table gives the details:

View Description
RecommendedAstroAnalysis Recommended, homogenised WG15 parameters and abundances.
WgRecommendedAstroAnalysis Working group recommended parameters and abundances (for each working group)
WpNaAstroAnalysis Individual node abundances determined using the parent working group's recommended astrophysical parameters.
NpNaAstroAnalysis Astrophysical parameters and abundances determined by the individual nodes.
AstroAnalysis All results.

Where a query of 'RecommendedAstroAnalysis' would yield a single row corresponding to the overall, WG15 recommended parameters for a spectrum (or rather a spectrum group) a query of 'WgRecommendedAstroAnalysis' would return several rows if the spectrum had been analysed by more than one working group. Similarly, a query of 'WpNaAstroAnalysis' or 'NpNaAstroAnalysis' would yield a set of rows, each row corresponding to an analysis by an individual node. The node responsible for the analysis is listed as column 'nodeName' (and working group recommended parameters have a 'nodeName' of the name of the working group). A query directly on table 'AstroAnalysis' would yield all the results for the spectrum group, though this is less likely to be useful.

As an example, to list selected parameters (here effective temperature, log surface gravity, [Fe/H] ratio, Li I abundance and C I abundance) for all the spectra observed for a given star and the name of the working group and node that performed the analyses from view 'NpNaAstroAnalysis':

SELECT cName, wg, nodeName, teff, logg, feh, li1, c1
FROM   NpNaAstroAnalysis
WHERE  cName ='11053303-7700120'
ORDER BY wg, nodeName;

Note that the results are sorted by column 'wg' and then 'nodeName' so that the results for each working group appear together and within each working group the nodes are listed alphabetically. Exactly the same query can, of course, be made directly on table 'AstroAnalysis', though this is less likely to be useful:

SELECT cName, wg, nodeName, teff, logg, feh, li1, c1
FROM   AstroAnalysis
WHERE  cName ='11053303-7700120'
ORDER BY wg, nodeName;

In a similar fashion, all the examples in the previous section can be changed to query one of the other views by replacing view 'RecommendedAstroAnalysis' with the appropriate view name and adding the 'ORDER BY' clause.

Queries on Outlier Analyses

Three 'outlier' flags are present in table 'AstroAnalysis' and all the views on it ('RecommendedAstroAnalysis', 'WgRecommendedAstroAnalysis', 'WpNaAstroAnalysis' and 'NpNaAstroAnalysis'). Values of these flags indicate unusual features in one or more of the spectra on which the analysis was performed (and thus the spectrum deviates significantly from the norm for its spectral type and is an 'outlier'). The three columns of outlier flags are:

Column Description Code Range
peculi Peculiarity flag(s) 1000-2999
remark Spectral class flag(s) 3000-8999
tech Technical issues flag(s) 9000-15000

For a given analysis each column can contain one or more alphnumeric flags. These flags are of the form:

numeric-code + alphabetic-confidence-designation

The range of numeric codes valid for each column is indicated in the table (above). The alphabetic confidence designation is a single letter as follows:

Designation Meaning
A probable
B possible
C tentative

If the value of a flag for a given row contains multiple entries then they are separated by a vertical bar ('|'). The WG14 Dictionary lists all the codes together with an explanation for each. A version with additional explanation is also available. Finally, the codes are also listed at the end of the WG14 Report.

For most analyses the three outlier columns are empty (most spectra are not outliers). However, the flags can be present in the analyses by individual nodes (views 'WpNaAstroAnalysis' and 'NpNaAstroAnalysis'), each working group's recommended values (view 'WgRecommendedAstroAnalysis') or the homogenised recommended values prepared by WG15 (view 'RecommendedAstroAnalysis'). In particular, WG14 only performed outlier analyses and did not otherwise analyse the spectra. WG14 comprised four nodes but these nodes did not submit individual analyses; rather they collated all their results into a single recommended set. The WG14 results are present in view 'WgRecommendedAstroAnalysis', just like the recommended values from other working groups, but the WG14 rows only have values for the columns identifying or characterising the spectra ('cName', 'targetID', 'fieldName' etc.) and the three flags, 'peculi', 'remark' and 'tech'.

The WG14 rows can be selected from view 'WgRecommendedAstroAnalysis' (or table 'AstroAnalysis') just like those for other working groups. However, if you wish to use the WG14 flags in conjunction with the results of other working groups, including the WG15 homogenised values, then there is an important complication. WG14 obtained its values by analysing individual spectra, not the groups of spectra (often a red, blue pair) used by the other working groups. Thus, to see which WG14 flags apply to which analyses by another working group it is not possible to join the rows using their 'specGroupID' (because the WG14 rows necessarily have a different 'specGroupID' from those of the other working group). Rather, the join must be made by going via the 'specGroupID' to obtain the 'specID' of each spectrum in each spectrum group and then joining these 'specIDs'. Two views have been defined to make using the WG14 results easier:


contains the WG14 flags joined to the WG15 flags for corresponding rows. A few other WG15 columns characterising the target and spectrograph setup (for example, 'cName', 'instrument', 'gratings' and 'fieldName') are also included.


exposes the 'specID' of each WG14 row and also all the populated columns, thus simplifying joins with other analyses.

Some simple examples of using these views follow.

  1. Which WG14 and WG15 flags are available for a given star?

    The 'RecommendedOutlierAnalysis' view includes column 'cName' so simply select the row matching the required name:

    SELECT * FROM RecommendedOutlierAnalysis
    WHERE cName = '08064390-4731532';
  2. How do the WG14 flags for a given star compare with those derived by another working group?

    View 'SpectrumOutlierAnalysis' can be used to simplify joining the WG14 rows with those from another working group. For example to compare the WG14 and WG11 recommended flags for a given star:

      wg11.peculi AS 'WG11_peculi',
      wg11.remark AS 'WG11_remark', AS 'WG11_tech'
      SpectrumOutlierAnalysis wg14,
      WgRecommendedAstroAnalysis wg11,
      SpectrumGroup sgp
    WHERE wg11.wg = 'WG11'
      AND wg11.specGroupID = sgp.specGroupID
      AND wg14.specId = sgp.specId
      AND wg11.cName = '00194037-4659596';

    Note how here the red and blue spectra analysed individually by WG14 but as a pair by WG11 have resulted in two WG14 rows both joining with a single WG11 row to create two output rows. Similarly, it is possible to join the WG14 values to node, rather than recommended, rows:

      np11.peculi AS 'Nodes_WG11_peculi',
      np11.remark AS 'Nodes_WG11_remark', AS 'Nodes_WG11_tech',
      np11.nodeName AS 'WG11_Node_Name'
      SpectrumOutlierAnalysis wg14,
      NpNaAstroAnalysis np11,
      SpectrumGroup sgp
    WHERE np11.wg = 'WG11'
      AND np11.specGroupID = sgp.specGroupID
      AND wg14.specId = sgp.specId
      AND np11.cName = '00194037-4659596'
    ORDER BY np11.nodeName;

    Again each WG11 node analysis has paired with two WG14 rows. Finally, it is, of course, possible to perform joins directly using the WG14 rows in 'WgRecommendedAstroAnalysis' rather than 'SpectrumOutlierAnalysis', but there is no advantage in doing so and the join becomes more cumbersome:

      wg11.instrument AS 'WG11_instrument',
      wg11.gratings AS 'WG11_gratings',
      wg11.peculi AS 'WG11_peculi',
      wg11.remark AS 'WG11_remark', AS 'WG11_tech',
      wg14.instrument AS 'WG14_instrument',
      wg14.gratings AS 'WG14_gratings',
      wg14.peculi AS 'WG14_peculi',
      wg14.remark AS 'WG14_remark', AS 'WG14_tech'
      WgRecommendedAstroAnalysis wg11,
      WgRecommendedAstroAnalysis wg14,
      SpectrumGroup sgp11,
      SpectrumGroup sgp14
    WHERE wg11.wg = 'WG11'
      AND wg14.wg = 'WG14'
      AND wg11.specGroupID = sgp11.specGroupID
      AND wg14.specGroupID = sgp14.specGroupID
      AND sgp11.specId = sgp14.specId
      AND wg11.cName = '00194037-4659596';

Queries on the Atomic and Molecular Line Lists

The GES archive contains a set of atomic and molecular line lists. Atomic lines both with and without hyperfine splitting are included. This dataset is described in the Linelist Report, which also discusses flags included in the tabulation that can be used to select suitable lines. These data are used consistently in all analyses of the GES spectra carried out within the GES Consortium. All the lines available are listed in table 'LineList', which contains in excess of 33 million rows, most of them corresponding to molecular lines. Several views containing useful sub-sets of the line list data are also provided. In many cases these views are likely to be more convenient to use than the complete 'LineList' table. The views available are as follows: (table 'LineList' is included for convenience and completeness):

View Description Rows
LineAtomHfs Atomic lines with hyperfine splitting (HFS) only. 61,124
LineAtomNoHfs Atomic lines without hyperfine splitting (HFS) only. 59,836
LineMol Molecular lines only. 33,154,740
LineMolAtomHfs Molecular lines and atomic lines with hyperfine splitting (HFS). 33,215,864
(LineList) The complete set of atomic lines with and without hyperfine splitting and molecular lines. 33,275,700

The following examples all present queries of view 'LineAtomHfs' (that is atomic lines with hyperfine splitting). However, all the views, and table 'LineList' have the same set of columns so the examples can be applied to any of them by simply substituting the appropriate view or table name.

  1. Which lines are available in a given wavelength range?

    Column 'lambda' lists the wavelength in Ångström. Thus, to see all the lines in wavelength range 4800 to 4810 Å:

    SELECT * FROM LineAtomHfs
    WHERE lambda BETWEEN 4500 AND 4800
    ORDER BY lambda ASC;

    Note the inclusion of the 'ORDER BY' clause so that the lines are listed in order of increasing wavelength.

  2. Which lines are available for a given species?

    Column 'name1' lists the element giving rise to each line and column 'ion' the ionisation state of each species. Thus, to see all the lines for aluminium 1, ordered by increasing wavelength:

    SELECT * FROM LineAtomHfs
    WHERE name1 = 'Al' and ion = 1
    ORDER BY lambda ASC;
  3. Which species are available for a given element?

    To see a list of the iron species available and the number of lines included for each species:

    SELECT name1, ion, count(ion) FROM LineAtomHfs
    WHERE name1 = 'Fe'
    GROUP BY name1, ion
    ORDER BY name1, ion;
  4. Which lines are available for a given element?

    To see all the aluminium lines, for example, ordered by increasing wavelength:

    SELECT * FROM LineAtomHfs
    WHERE name1 = 'Al'
    ORDER BY lambda ASC;

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