Spectrum File FormatTBD: a detailed description of the FITS format used to return reduced and calibrated one-dimensional spectra to the user will go here. In the meantime, here are the relevant sentences from the Survey Management Plan (pp14-15) which describe the underlying SpecFrames from which these spectra are extracted: We will base the spectral extraction/reduction products format to conform to the standard ESO FITS structure for FLAMES/GIRAFFE. These are multi-extension FITS files containing an efficient 2D storage of extracted spectra, plus associated corresponding FITS table information in extensions containing object and fibering information. The primary output products, the extracted, wavelength-calibrated and sky-subtracted spectra, will maintain this format with the addition of a 2D error array corresponding to the extracted spectra format. The spectra, and error array, will be rebinned onto a common (specified) wavelength grid (range TBC).
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